Trip to taiwan

Trip back to taiwan - 12/12/2005 to 1/1/2006.
Try one of the famous yuan-nan food - the famous the over-bridge of the Rices noodles.
And... food/noodle was goooood!
It came with separate dishes and you need to mix them up - sort of like DIY noodle.
Check out the noodle bowl. ( 这桥 )
I suppose it's perfectly for the winter time meal.

Went out and did a google search, and found the following,
简要地变白菠菜在开水里 , 排泄, 和留出。
混合米酒, 姜, 盐, 和酱油入卤汁。切下鸡, 鱼 , 和大虾paper-thin 。
传播在服务盛肉盘和加这个卤汁。让立场。 供热一个罐水对煮沸和加面条。带来回到煮沸和烹调揭露直到他们 是软, 大约4 分钟为干面条和2 分钟为新鲜那些。排泄在colander 和铺砌这棵菜在上面。带来鸡汤到沸腾在平底深锅和增加一些盐和 鸡油脂。带来对快速煮沸为1 分钟。调动tureen 和带来对桌与肉盛 肉盘和面条colander 。倾吐肉和面条入煮沸的热汤。他们立即将烹 调。搅动和服务在各自的碗里。
Is YuanNan food famous for sweet-n-sour flavour. The noodle soup looks like vietnan noodle.
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