一趟沐恩 D 旅行程!! -- Part 4 --
一趟沐恩 D 旅行程!! -- Part 4 --
Day break!
Looing down the church main gate entrance - a good size of parking space, from the 2nd floor where the church meeting hall is located, this is rather a good view in the morning; Day is simply getting to unfold itself.
One thing to mention is that there are a couple of sisters who are committed to prayer meeting early in the morning around 7:00AM. 一天一天, it's a great committment.
After a 30 minutes devotion time led by pastor Tan, we headed back to our living room on 2nd floor - what a surprise! Brother Wang, 士聰 (a college teacher) has prepare us a traditional taiwaness breakfast! Yes, it's 吃飯的時間.
And he did that for the remainder of our stay ... Matter of fact, he and his family (wife, 瑞英) demonstrated to us a servanthood model -
Approaching 9:00AM, more and more kids, middle-schoolers, high-schoolers are rushing in for the openning day of VBS week. Row after row, the meeting hall is quickly filled up with students. The feeling of overwhelm'ed is quickly creeping up to everyone's mind.
Here it comes to my mind, "信靠天父的供應"! We've done our best to prepare the lessons. 事情都有祂的美意,享受生命的每一刻, 心存感恩。OK, let's move on.
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