Saturday, February 07, 2009


VRRP (chk IOS version first to see if it supports VRRP, chk this article:
URL: IOS version and feature )

1) By configuring the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol.

Configuring VRRP can happen in a few commands. Basic command syntax:

 vrrp [group] [timers advertise msec] [timers learn] [preempt delay] [priority] [description]

To enable VRRP on an interface, follow these steps in global configuration mode:

Router(config)# interface Fa0/0
Router(config-if)# vrrp (group) ip (ip address of the virtual router)

You would, of course, do this on a minimum of two (2) routers (the smallest amount of routers you would want in your VRRP group - 2 makes up a group).

Cisco VRRP page

NOTE: HSRP is a Cisco proprietary method whereas VRRP is an industry standard (based on RFC 2338).



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