Trip to taiwan - college pals reUnion...

Met with my college pals - Hung-jen and Lao Sun (well... actually it should read KWSUN :))
It's been .... at least 20 years since we departed from the day of graduation.
... And everyone looks GREAT! (may I add?)
Couple of hours of sit-n-sip coffee time would bring us back to the days of "young-N-foolish" in Tansui. ( 淡水 )
To you - my wild friends - Hung.Jen and Ken.Wen!! (work hard, man! Taiwan need you!)
[By the way, both are 個性開朗又幽默 ]
NOTE: 入境隨俗嘛 ! (that's why I had to say these words just to pep-up the mood)
I need to do more home work to handle these 玩拼貼遊戲 ... for more photo/pictures.
By the way, the restaurant (Green Breeze) does provide some good viewing scene, quite relaxing though. THANKS to you'all!!
NOTE: It's a bit tough to find StarBucks store around here.
By 威廉哈維( William Harvey, 1578-1657 )
My return trip back home/USA requires connecting flight in Japan ... waiting for 3 hours; The food price at the airport is *highway robbery*ly HIGH! Roughly, it takes US$2.00 to buy a bottle of drinking water! To drink or not to drink is a question :)
Connecting flight in Japan
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