BB: 七月十七日、方舟停在亞拉臘山上。
Remember Me? [NOT? YES?][ 創世記 8:1 ]
神記念挪亞、和挪亞方舟裡的一切走獸牲畜. 神叫風吹地、水勢漸落。
and ... 神紀念挪亞!
[NOTE: Does your company appreciate the work you put in, say 1 year ago? or 10~15 years ago? Cost-cutting is everywhere... and to top it all, outsourcing or offshoring or whatever the name is, people are measured (as part of the cost and metrics - hmmm in Rotuer's world :) ) in terms of $$$$/cost.]
PS: Metric: default=> delay and bandwidth for IGRP
[options to include, 1) MTU, 2) Reliability, and 3) Loading]
Output sample:
Venus(config)# router igrp 100
Venus(config-router)# default-metric 10000 100 255 1 1500
where 10000 = Bandwidth, 100 = Delay, 255 = Reliability, 1 = Loading, and 1500 = MTU.
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