Thursday, January 05, 2006

Our Disney World trip 2004

It's new year - 2006 - again!
Remembering our trip to Disney World in 2004 new year timeframe.

Stopping by Pensacola for a quick break... oh yeh, you can see the beach there. So everyone... smile. After all, it's the sunshine state - Florida, we're heading.

While we were there, take time out to feed the birds... :)

I meant to say the seagull... they are all over the pier, searching for food (from tourists, of course).
I think... 也是幸福 !!

Sasa's waving her hands while seagulls are fighting for the food on the ground.

This starts our 迪士尼10天 tour.

Before going into the details of the trip (pensacola, st. augustine, orlando, etc.),
here is a quick new-book commercial :)

Book: "罵孩子要有技巧"
作者:碧愛緹絲•帕特 Beatrix Palt
叢書系列: 奧林[ 親子‧生活‧教養 ]
127 頁/ 平裝 / 15cmx21cm
出版日期:2005 年 08 月 05 日
定價:180 元 /優惠價:162 元

[Stay tuned]


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