Audit Treasure [the Book]

URL: where it all begins
Or one can read the ancient chinese textbooks
Among those thousands and thousands of GuSu (古籍),
《左傳》 is one of the favorites;
For instance,
That is, 春秋時晉國的國君晉景公姬 died of 掉進了糞坑里!!!

Since i'm on it, somehow... 項羽 came to mind:
Per (項羽本紀),
學書, or 學劍, or 學兵法, all three went nowhere... 不肯竟學!
htmm..., this guy may suffer what we called ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) today. See NIMH's page for details.

(Here is a list of ADHD suspects, according to wikipedia)
If you get bored, try 飛狐外傳, by 金庸 Master :))
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