Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Enjoying Taipei Subway system - smooth ride, well-thought design

Had to admit that riding the Taipei subway system is a pleasant experience...

Check out the map - each subway route is marked with a color, which makes it easy for pop-public to easily distinguish where to connect the route, how far the destination you're heading, etc.

In addition, I think the ticket fare is OK; Regular NT$20 per ticket per person. One can purchase a whole-day pass which is perfect for first-time tourist who is adventurous-minded, and ready to explore the city!

For those 9-to-5'ers, getting to the 辦公室 becomes much more easier, I suppose.

Anyhoo... the ride is pleasant. (take a quick shot in front of the subway train station)

The good stuff is the subway halls that are packed with bunch of stores for shoppers (to spend money $$$) - you'll see bakery store, gift store, coffee place, etc.

Here you go...

<==Bakery, <==Gift shop,

yumm, and yeh, StarBucks/ 星巴克 coffee shop as well. :)

Had to admit that 我很喜歡喝咖啡;喜歡咖啡的香味、 plus 因為喝咖啡而和朋友們相聚。 On a 2nd thought, perhaps I need to 戒咖啡 ? Oh let me try that 焦糖瑪琪朵喔 !



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