Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wondering About Splenda's ''True'' Safety?

Read on...


and Times.com

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Utility bill getting out of control?

Compare and save...

Go there, and enter your zip code and start saving $$$ ...

An example, http://www.powertochoose.org/electricchoice/compareresults.asp?zip=76106

Learn more ... How Power Grids Work :

Saving energy... http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/saving_energy/index.html

Next Version Of Microsoft Access, the

Access database? (I guess people are still using it )


Here I quote,
"This page has been setup to provide a central location for people to post and review ideas for the next version of Microsoft Access plus one (guess is now 2009). This is a follow up to the previous initiative for Access 2006 that ran to 220 requests from users."


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Riverwalk... san antonio

Okeedo... having a river flowing around the city is romantic enough...

Now figuring out how much $$$ you can bring in for the city revenue from the tourism business.

With a ticket (adult price) of $6.50, one can sum up, on a daily basis, the total income can easily go beyond million mark within months, say you have 5000 visitors in a day!!!
This hotel looks great! (http://www.omnihotels.com/FindAHotel/SanAntonioLaMansionDelRio.aspx?cid=satmantzoo )

Check out the night market booths - sort of;
However, a $17.00 dollar night light is NOT a bargain for sure.

After seeing SA, it's not a bad idea to check out
http://www.schlitterbahn.com/ at New Braunfels city!