Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Diet ? -OR- Life style change?


URL: http://www.cultureby.com/trilogy/2005/03/ge_vs_microsoft.html

"can GE have a culture that embraces both Six Sigma AND innovation? These are difficult mental models to integrate, usually leading to the creation of "Skunkworks" and other such deviant outposts in which to incubate innovation. This kind of "creative ghetto" then presents other problems of idea acceptance, product integration, and just plain jealousy. I think Immelt's on the right track, but balancing these two cultural streams will be a significant management challenge."


CCIE? Yeh, Cisco is everywhere (in networking)


Check it out:

What statement is FALSE with respect to the operation of Unidirectional Link Detection?

  A. It negotiates the Unidirectional Link Detection link state during physical signaling.

  B. It performs tasks that autonegotiation cannot perform.

  C. It works by exchanging protocol packets between the neighboring devices.

  D. Both devices on the link must support Unidirectional Link Detection and have it enabled on respective ports.


How fast can Huawei catch up with western telecom vendors?

Home: http://www.huawei.com.cn/

IMS picture, http://www.huawei.com/cn/products/mcn/solutions/view.do?id=101

1) In Latin Am, the No. 1 in DSLAM::

2) 华为 says "hello Moto" over 3G partnership

According to this site, http://ido.3mt.com.cn/pc/200601/20060121339119.shtm
==> Huawei 2005 Global Contract Sales Hits USD8.2 Billion

We'll see ...

Monday, September 25, 2006

DingTaiFon ... and more

Man... check this out;

DingTaiFon would have been listed - IMHO.

If interested, check at google for