Ever wondering about the following stat:
一趟沐恩 D 旅行程!! -- Part 3 --

一趟沐恩 D 旅行程!!
-- Part 3 --
Dinner time -- after first day of prep'ing up for VBS program.
As I recalled, it was raining that evening; It's getting dark and getting entire mission team (10 of us) from one place to another is a transportation headache - in particular, in taiwan. Unlike USA, folks in Asia in general do not drive minivan or SUV. Guess what? We have a 13 passenger van!!
A brother from church, YinJun (英俊, yes,
英俊 - what a name!), is our driver; (His willingness to serve -- "任何地方事奉祂", touches me, even it seems to be a trivia thing ... 很感動!)
"what a great dinner banquet/// - Bon appétit or どうぞめしあがれ "
Our lovely couple who are the dinner host - Mr. & Mrs. Tsai.
A quick hint: Do Mr. Tsai and pastor Tsai look alike? [arrh, there you go!]
It's indeed a warm hospitality!
Now check out how Brian and Steph. react to the dinner feast - :)
I suppose their facial expression and gesture say it all! (合不攏嘴了@牛肉套餐+蔬菜沙拉)
"若有人不肯作工、就不可喫飯。" :)
We have lots of work ahead of us - that's for sure. It's time for dinner!
As I recalled, it was raining that night - even after we are done with the dinner.
看似平凡, somehow I felt ... it's like Showers of Blessings.
We are heading back to the local church to get some rest and prepare for tomorrow's - first day of VBS program!
主耶穌 ... 教導我們有關活在當下的生活智慧:
Oh by the way, the restaurant is called, "Hua-Jin-Lo" (pic on the left).
一趟沐恩 D 旅行程!! -- Part 2 --
(Part 1,,

-- Part 2 -- 一趟沐恩 D 旅行程!!
Here comes the brainstorming session: (一番簡單對話之後...)
Let's get the teens to work on the details of VBS classes.
And thanks to bro-n-sis's kindness that each one of us gets a Boba treat!
We get to discuss about
1) 如何規劃 class flow, 2) 如何規劃 class material, 3) 如何規劃 dividing up the students;
Besides that, we learn to 多問問看... there are so many (little) things or details that we dont get to see from our point of view in PLANO.

And brother Ray (quite a handsome gentleman, indeed), chips in lots of help and ideas about the situations we may run into. Ray also shares 發言鼓勵的話... "There is no worry in God". It reminds 提醒 us that "Who is In Control" - WIIc. 感謝讚美主!
more than 90 kids (students) registered, we have quite a handful of materials and to cover - not to mention the hymn and songs for the children's worship session

every day.
In addition, sister MingHuay(
敏慧) shared valuable insights on the logistics of prep'ing up VBS classes in the morning as they flood in pair by pair; A good place to hold all of the students would be in the 聖殿(Sanctuary). Imagine that - 90's some kids!

I know surely that
Brian and Joyce (see right photo) are working hard to get the hymn and hand motions done ASAP; Fortunately, church has high-speed internet connection for us to use - taking advantages of downloading media-rich slides and presentation. It's truly a blessing ( & 相當便利) to get updated on the e-mails whenever we have a break after a busy day of program. Everyone likes to 事前規劃 - the fact is that you cannot expect everything working out the way you wanted.
Be Flexible and
Be Ready to experience God for His plan is higher than ours!
>>> "態度決定一切" <<< href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjkU-bAvswenHL-ROar4sy-hLc-13csxANHxQolQlnnJXOc3NXEVjbJMW0htorx-P4rudLdsZ1tkE5X9wp0roKNuR8wBhWusaId3NK2r3lfEAKnB9j7RqssRUcpscrAX671uQguYA/s1600-h/IMG_0102.JPG">

Then... let's get back to work; Some started drawing up hymn chart on a postet, while some typing up power point slide for the worship session and class setting - 實戰的每一刻!! (everyone is like 認真投入)
Soon, time flies. We are ready for dinner!
[To Be Continued]
Timing and waiting ...
"" 從使徒行傳16章和以後幾章經文看保羅傳道的經歷,
然後,祂讓保羅在以弗所事奉三年之久(參 哥林多前書16:8),並且大大祝福他的工作。
Crisis: 「中國製造」的商品
Recently, news is all over the globe about,
What does China government react/respond to the report?
More troubling news ...
http://big5.ec.com.cn/gate/big5/zcq.ec.com.cn/article/hwzx/hwscdt/200708/445692_1.htmlHere is some example(s):
海關總署昨(七)日, 公布二○○六年度進出口企業「紅、黑名單」,
http://www.twgocn.com/xspace/index.php/8/viewspace-3326We'll see how China government improves its export reputation.
Cat 5 Hurricane DEAN!!!

Whew... Texas must have felt ... a stone falling off her shoulder.
一趟沐恩 D 旅行程!!
It's been a while since we got back ... (令人難忘的城市 !) -- Part 1 --
You may be wondering which city i was referring to;

1) ChangHua (YuanLin)
2) ChiaYi (PuZi)
(See the map on the left)
We've been preparing for the trip for some time - VBS-like activity-packed program, craft creation, sing-along hymn practice, and many many little things and got-chatches that you got to learn on the journey.
Day 1
Here we arrived at the city ..., (a BIG thanks to brother Caleb, for offering to "minivan" us down to ChangHua city, since driving at local places is no strange thing to him)

Motocycles (摩托車), street banner hanging on both sides of the road, and the city power lines wiring right above your head, etc. However, it's the people that matters on this trip - they need to know the Lord!
We did get lost abit (Sign,
沒辦法 ) given we have the street address and the map printed from the internet map service site. But still ...
(Speaking of iMap, allow me to share this link (
http://www.map.com.tw/) - personally I think it's cool for the local map info)
Upon arriving the city, one thing strikes me noticeably is the summer heat; With the high humidity (炎熱潮濕), the non-stop sweating can be tough to deal with.
Anyhoo... here we are - arriving at the main gate!

The picture is actually quite different from what I originally had in mind.
In the heart of the ChangHua downtown area, this church holds a very strtegic place, may I add. 用心的人體會到 ... this place can 提供 outreach 活動演出的空間.
However, we're ready to check in... and hungry too. :)

After lodging is done, we received a great deal of hospitality -- here we are -- at the local noodle restaurant 麵 飯店/餐廳 right across the street/ 美食街.
In the hours of 炎炎夏日, what more can you ask for a cup of Bopa (珍珠奶茶)? 1 US$1 a cup! (mmm... 不錯的選擇 !)
During the lunch hour, the team simply get to know each other like... 老朋友一樣. (you can only explain it as "可以比擬 ... 在耶穌基督內", so that we can 與人分享)
Now that we are fed - time to settle down and started to check out the facility and get ready for the decoration and preparation for the English Gospel Camp(
英文福音營). And it's 2:45PM (or may have been 3:00PM)
One of the challenges is that we have over 90 kids who have registered!
PTL!! 歸榮耀與 神! And now we deal with the problem - a good one.
When we walk around the building - trying to decide how to utilize the 空間, we quickly realize that we surely need helping hands given the number of kids in each age-group.
What do you do?
A parable quickly came up - 沒有人把新酒裝在舊皮袋!
Plus, "我們日用的飲食、天天賜給我們。"
The arrangement is "this and that". 大致上就決定了; We'll see how it goes tomorrow.
Some brainstorming sessions are planned;
Meanwhile, I quickly discover my problem - that is 出汗不停. Later, that evolves into some "rash" problem.
-- Part I --
[ more to come ]
It's got to a point that 蠟燭兩頭燒 is a term that fits perfectly what we ended up experiencing at the field.
[To Be Continued]
Scenic view ::

Islander's life can be so relaaaaaxing!!