Fall Harvest!!!

For the above statments,
Has anyone in medical field/profession ever figured out why?
It's Fall season!

Migrate & Migrate & ...
Check this article: (
再談戶口)http://blogs.sun.com/syw/entry/åè°æ·å£"遷徙, 是追求幸福的重要手段. 百年來, 中國人離鄉背井, 遠走他鄉. 為的就是幸福的夢. 夢最好在今生, 但也可以實現在兒女身上. 現代中國的制度, 父母的戶口綁在土地上, 兒女的戶口跟著父母. 而戶口限制了求學, 工作, 及未來的機會. 也就是說, 生生世世, 不得翻生. 戶口成了現代中國的封建階級. 投錯胎終生無望, 生對門機會源源."
" 一個農民, 可以移民歐美, 但不能入住北京."
NOTE: Coming to america,
TRAVEL news: 阿薩姆紅茶鳳梨酥、阿薩姆紅茶牛軋糖

"盧園一個踏實、自在的生活 帶著原來的您與一顆平凡的心靈 進入到這個讓您回到生命中的感動將會發現原來幸福之神,一直跟隨著您吃了讓您進入幸福四溢新生活-『紅茶鳳梨酥』。為了招待客人盧媽媽用心研發紅茶鳳梨酥與牛軋糖,以家中自己栽種紅茶,製作出具台灣紅茶那股獨特誘人自然香氣的風味,沒想到吃過的都成為忠實顧客;酥鬆的餅皮透露出頂級奶油的香醇及台灣紅茶特殊茶香,內餡以紅茶裹上甜度適中鳳梨醬,醞藏一份台灣紅茶獨特香氣,鬆軟爽口,甜而不膩的紅茶鳳梨酥;喝杯紅茶、嚐嚐紅茶牛軋糖,牛奶的香郁濃烈,奶香與茶香相呼應,絕妙的美味搭配!"
一趟沐恩 D 旅行程!! -- Part 6 --

一趟沐恩 D 旅行程!! -- Part 6 --
It appears that children seem to be joyful all the time. Start out on the right track when they are young. The battle is really the mind set.
"你要保守你心、勝過保守一切〔或作你要切切保守你心〕因為一生的果效、是由心發出。" (箴言 4:23)
Part 1:
http://sasasamblog.blogspot.com/2007/08/d.htmlPart 2:
Becoming a Better Programmer???
Are you joking? Becoming a Better Programmer!
[Honestly, I thought that USA has outsourced most of the programmers by now] :))

Check this article at SUN.COM (it's about
http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Interviews/community/kabutz_qa.htmlHere I quote,
"JSC: Any closing thoughts?
Kabutz: Programmers need to be careful that their brains don't turn to stone. You may specialize in one field and find that, when the technology changes, you end up on the street. Because your brain is your single biggest asset, you need to continually feed it new information and ideas.
To really learn, you need to choose the technology that you want to experiment in and take the time to study and read, which will require sacrificing your personal time. If you follow this advice, you'll grow more valuable over time and won't become a computer dinosaur.
I've taught many courses to contented programmers, ranging from Y2K consultants to COBOL programmers, who have stuck their head in the sand for so long that it's downright impossible for them to adapt to new paradigms and languages.
If you are currently a Java programmer, you owe it to yourself to experiment in other technologies. Try out Squeak, JRuby, and other languages. Install and use a different IDE. Never stop learning. The moment you stop, you can lose the wave, and it will require a lot of paddling to catch up with it again."
Article:: Isn't Anything Made in America Any More?

here is a breakdown list of the countries where your clothes are made: [above or left]
And recently, there are quite a few "Recalls" for the products that are MIC (Made In China).
How to avoid (you may ask?):: 了解到, 外包 (outsource) 就代表眼睛不能一秒鐘離開製造過程。
即使這代表 ... 你得派人到海外工廠全程監視所用的原料、製造流程與產出結果。
Another thought: 中,印經濟超越美國 不會那麼快??
1) 中國結合共產主義與資本主義的大規模實驗
2) 印度根深蒂固的官僚主意與貪污(?) - can we say or assume safely about India?
3) USA: 國作為一個國家營運的方式。我們說的是自由與穩定。
What are the potential problems faced by China/India?
One may argue, ...沒錯,印度是民主政體,但民主卻受分歧嚴重的多黨體制拖累。
Halo 3 III
Sales Record -
http://blogs.galvnews.com/story.lasso?ewcd=3ba8644c440bf771Here I quote,
"There’s a myth that video games are getting as big as Hollywood. Microsoft made a statement by trumping the box-office record set by “Spider-Man 3.” The film raked in $151 million on its opening weekend."
And ... how much does it cost?
A regular copy of Halo 3 costs $60.