3C: content + conduct + convert

3C: discerning "false" vs "ture" teaching...
Content, Conduct, and Convert
[Someone once said, "虛心受教:受教可以擴展天賦"]
One of the things that I am afraid of is when people say that "I've found the best way" in doing so and so. An individual may be talented - and yet 尋找受教的機會 can always advance self by humbling himself.
HAPPY Thanksgiving Day to you'all!!
Google is coming - wireless network?!

And Price of Gas Should Fuel Unified Communications
(here is an article from Michael Vizard: at this URL,
Who is David C.?
[ Lenovo全球網路行銷事業的副總裁 David Churbuck ]
http://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/PIE0011/127562/web/#1L-2303805L"Churbuck對於網路廣告的生態相當注意,在今年10月15日發表〈The measured digital spend - investing internally〉提到,許多大型企業廣告主已經把廣告預算從電視及其他平面媒體大幅縮減,挪到網路媒體使用。廣告主發現把錢花在自家經營的公司網站可能更有效益,可以直接與潛在顧客互動,了解顧客的反應。根據統計,美國的企業主已經把將近6成的網路行銷費用保留在公司網站使用,不再透過廣告代理商、媒體企畫人員、市場調查人員的協助決策花在媒體上。這個現象值得台灣的企業主在分配廣告預算的時候好好重新盤算一番,而廣告業或媒體業者也得趕緊想辦法因應網路帶來消費環境的劇烈變化。"
It's digital and online and interactive and person-to-person and content-on-demand and who's-got-time-for-fixed-TimeSlot-Media and human-network and social-network-via-virtual-presence and ...
Rate: US vs. Euro

And no wonder this travellers rush from Europe to Big Apple: According to the report below,
Record numbers of Europeans are flocking to New York this fall — prime holiday shopping season — as the dollar sinks to new lows against the euro and British pound.
WaterTower + antenna?

It's everywhere - wireless antenna!
You would wonder if city gets to charge some fee to the provider for allowing them to mount the antenna... ?
Would this impact 生態環境?
(i.e., 自然生態 that is) I suppose that using water tower may be one of the easiest way to deploy Hi-tech access instead of working inside the residential neighbourhood; In some cases, there may be resistence due to the concern over high power freqyency!
Ruby..., Chili, and more.

Similar food, similar restaurant ;;
How to cut cost?
Ever wondering who is the chef in the restaurant you are dining with?
No Starbucks? but Gevalia ...
http://www.gevalia.com/不是專注自己的舒適, it's simply a comparison.
(NOTE: It may go well with Fish Tacos,
http://food.ivillage.com/recipefinder/print/0,,bl0vbh3b,00.html?nlcid=wd11-09-2007 )