Ref: CCIE count country-by-country

CCIE count
Source article[][][]
a classic moment - (in a cool Autumn season)

{Notice: HE 交出了... 他 主动 舍去 (HE Is ABLE)!!}
It's all buried in the history/dust/modern building ...

Not even sure if this is real?
Anyhoo... that's what the city said.
DD is promoting... :)

Good call!
(everyone is a quarter-back, Monday morning one:)
1+1 + 1

have a slice and lemon zinger...
crisby n chewy :)

Sushi style... 寿司/
iB aS aW

清鼻 顺畅!
in a good mood for food?

travel to Sweden... money$$$ ready?
chip time? veggi style

C#? (java-evo flavor)

Now... it's sharpening time :)
it's about "bear"? :) [俗话说“兵熊熊一个,将熊熊一窝”]

Article sourceReminde me of "indy-jones" movies:
Choose wisely!! (in this case, when it comes to pick a CEO)
72% ?!

huh? american eagle ? nah!
Go green...
as cliche... it's a jungle out there
More and more are going home...
arrh... reverse brain drain to??? (China n India)
I quote,
a growing body of evidence
indicates that skilled foreign immigrants
create jobs for Americans
and boost our national competitiveness.
More than
52% of Silicon Valley’s startups during the recent tech boom were started by foreign-born entrepreneurs. Foreign-national researchers have contributed to more than 25% of our global patents, developed some of our break-through technologies, and they helped make Silicon Valley the world’s leading tech center.
Foreign-born workers comprise almost
a quarter of all the U.S. science and engineering workforce and
47% of science and engineering workers who have PhDs. It is very possible that some of the smart Indians who sat in the room with me holding their hand up on Columbus Day will start the next Google or Apple. Many of them will build companies which employ thousands. But the jobs will be in Hyderbad or Pune, not Silicon Valley."
Maybe... just maybe, USA is getting tougher to attract foreign-born talents for the years to come due to whatever reasons it may seem. No talents, no competitiveness - over time.
Not so smart-phone news for Nokia?

Nokia's smartphone problem
after N* badminton games, U-Dong is the best!!!

oh... it's all gooooooooood. :)
And the score? 3 win, 1 lose.
(*not bad)
it's a different kind of workout: Oak tree cutting .. whew..
Oak at wikiAnd it took abt 2 hr.?
Diwali as the Festival of Lights

Jesus is the Light of the World.
Simple dish

perfect for ??? [

and ??? calories?
SuperCorp: Values as Guidance System
From this article, (URL= )
"The model of American capitalism that worked so well to raise the fortunes of millions of people last century appears to have hit a wall. What's good for General Motors may no longer be good for the country. In its place must arise a new model of the company, one that serves society as well as rewarding shareholders and employees, Kanter argues in her new book,
SuperCorp: How Vanguard Companies Create Innovation, Profits, Growth, and Social Good."
word...word...word...word (too many words, too little wisdom)
satin... (cover up? pretty up? or ???)

maybe, that's how the "pretty world - corporate /inside or outside" goes around...
u does every 2g/3g/4g?

perhaps, that's why Cisco is willing to pay close to $3B to acquire it?!
its a "loade" M card :)

good enough for some morning coffee... :)
天安门--> USA

what a map direction!? :)
天安门--> USA?
clear drop... (crystal clear)

THREE (3) is a good number :)
中筋麵粉... is the key.
--> result: 牛肉饼"
coke 4 me? really?!!!

oh boy boy boy...
my lucky day!
maze? fortune? symbol? art-o-piece
guard as welcome gesture...

Nestled on a quiet, (ok not so quiet) 2nd floor chinese-style buidling/setting, it's about to enter a snack-style lunch... dim-sum.
Kirin? Dragon? some kind of animal that can only exist in novel or imaginary world ...
With everything dish or good-plate almost (cooked) in oily sauce, you need a tea pot to "melt" those greesy stuff away later...
Ref: Fed.Debt scenario

Killing the Goose[][][]
哥林多前書 14:27-28 若有說方言的,只好兩個人,至多三個人,且要輪流著說,也要一個人翻出來。若沒有人翻,就當在會中閉口,只對自己和神說就是了。
1) IF (a big if) 人们不懂说话人的语言,plus没有翻译,那么他就应闭口。这表明说方言的人有保持沉默的能力。
2) In addition, 说明他知道, 在场是不是有翻译──可以听懂他的方言并能翻译的人。
YYYaris... (small pkg )

good thing comes in a small pkg...(sometimes)
powerful VIA promotion... :)
keep up with the Johns...
study material + cookie ::

it boosts mental power :)
>>>(O) >>>>

Getting ready - (its moon festival today) (*view)[][][]
高铁, 高铁, 高铁
=> 要求振兴经济方案提拨47亿美元,补助加州兴建由圣地牙哥到旧金山的高速铁路,全长1285公里。这项计画总经费高达
and Me too from 佛罗里达州交通部...
Where does the money$$$ come from?