i wonder what was the event - overload at Twitty Bird>>>
It's about Arizona... AZ...AZ

AZ... gets HOT these days... :)
Hot? or not Hot?
学习中文 la...

fresh break : gTea SOBE

so speed test is out... attwifi at SB

Speed test [][][]
color coding - v-way
new G.leaf >>>

new leaf>>>
not really... Friday sense
it's all free ....wifi

>>> 54.0 Mbps
e.g., starbucks loc: ottawa, canada

google: starbucks loc: ottawa, canada
Search link[][][]
Stopped by for a "chat/chatter/chedder".:
wood wonder...

a history in 3D tale...
too hot to fire-proof? :)

Guess where? :)
其實是 ... Eat more chicken!
cheese + burger + some vegii...

Make it a burger dinner ... just for the Monday :)
foxy version - uptodate?
通常価格 5,250円

wishing you the Fooo Chi.?
SB new flavor: Wi-Fi *FREE*
