Tuesday, October 30, 2018

藍 加 紅?

>> 藍 加 紅?<<
AI (Watson) 這塊市場、
更有 AI 元老級人物:
Roger Schank、其两年前的舊作文章、稱 Watson "项目炒作过剩、夸大其词"!!


如今、股價下跌、雲計算+AI 似乎已遠遠落後 Amazon, Google, MS$$, Alibaba 雲、
IBM + RedHat?!!

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Fun-n-insightful reading ...


Now, TIP aims to address it:

"高调宣布“OpenRAN才是未来以撼动传统的无线接入网络(RAN)市场,并且通过公布通信业首份OpenRAN RFI中标结果的方式来证明,动华为们的奶酪,他们是认真的。"

其實、RAN 這一塊大奶酪、由全球四大廠家瓜分:


>> 700亿美元 <<


Sunday, October 21, 2018

水清兮? 水濁兮?

A fisher man wiz??

So which time is this??
水清兮? 水濁兮?

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A different WS viewpoint on 5G

€€划耳階 老爺們対5G之看法$$
Say all you want about 5G technology, AT&T/VzW/TMO/... Nokia/Eric/Huawei/ZtE...

A different WS viewpoint on 5G;

Check this report

Monday, October 15, 2018



A) 難道這一波雲計算熱潮過了?(no obvious trending yet)
B) 或許是有些公司已經吃了悶虧?(若真的吃了悶虧、恐怕也不想張揚 ...:))
C) 作為任何一個公司管理階層、最起碼的棋盤推演 (what-if scenario) 是必須的、can you afford putting all eggs in one basket?

Then ....開始有人琢磨計算:
1-- 算一算究竟省錢省了多少?(Although saving in hardware cost, and yet you may lose SW discount from existing vendor; e.g., Database vendor (Oracle DB)??, how many EC2 + Storage + CloudFront + Load-Balancing + 數據流量 per GB charges + etc do you need? )
2-- '當機' 時數/頻率 高不高?
  當初 簽約的條文 是否納入 '當機' 賠償金額約定?
3-- 值不值得 ROI?? (投資-風險評估)
4-- 「安全考量/抗駭強度」評估有多大?
5-- Train up new in-house expert employees?現有員工之再訓練?或是乾脆一刀切 (Layoff)舊員工/元老、再另外招募(雲技術)人才?any disruption in existing operation?? 

想一想 -- 地球之"地心引力"
what goes up, one day it will come down?!! And the higher it goes, the harder it will crash?!

We shall see in 2020?! :)))

Similar reasons outlined below:
  • The cost savings aren't what the service provider promised;
  • There's too much downtime;
  • The latency is too slow for your application;
  • Your budget changed from being operations-centric to capital-centric;
  • A security concern;

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Agile="many small “waterfalls"?

Agile? Awry?!

Agile = "many small “waterfalls"?

Check this article:


Here I quote, 

"In one large tech company, their product team focused significant upfront time writing small requirements (called “user stories”). 

These requirements were put into a ticket queue as tasks for the next available engineer to start working on. The bar for documentation to keep the queue moving became high. Ultimately, this process became one of many small “waterfalls,” where work is passed from a product department to designers to engineering. 

This process is exactly what Agile was meant to eliminate. It is no wonder that the CTO of this company said, “my engineers feel like short order cooks in the back of a diner.”

Thursday, October 11, 2018

看病+處方簽拿藥 一步到位!

現在、似乎不同行業 有不同的 consolidation/合併、電信業者、在科技業、更不在話下、
e.g., Disney’s massive deal with 21st Century Fox...、且看:
5大/獨立的 streaming services: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney, AT&T, and Apple (+VzW 5G bundle for free)、彼此廝殺對搏、爾今、健保業者、
CVS+Aetna >> UHC? Cigna??
看病+處方簽拿藥 一步到位!
或許。。。5G 更能發揮在 健保醫療服務之範圍、digital health !!? :))


Saturday, October 06, 2018




這回、美國 中國大陸

或許、世界 中國大陸?

廿世紀初的 '八國聯軍'




「合久必分、分久必合」似乎不適合/貼切 形容國際現況、

換個詞 看看:






Split()'ing dilemma :))

Which one would you do? (In Python, of course ...:))

(1) 'jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun'.split(',')

(2) str.split('jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun', ',')

Both work. 

However, in terms of syntax bulkiness, readability, future extensible, etc.

Say you have a dictionary of "fixed strings"; such as month or US state initial names (AZ, CA, ...,TX, ...)

Would you go with option (2) or (1)??