Blog.SasaSam - Keeping updated
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Fun-n-insightful reading ...
Now, TIP aims to address it:
"高调宣布“OpenRAN才是未来”以撼动传统的无线接入网络(RAN)市场,并且通过公布通信业首份OpenRAN RFI中标结果的方式来证明,动“华为们”的奶酪,他们是认真的。"
其實、RAN 這一塊大奶酪、由全球四大廠家瓜分:
>> 700亿美元 <<
Sunday, October 21, 2018
水清兮? 水濁兮?
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
A different WS viewpoint on 5G
Monday, October 15, 2018
- The cost savings aren't what the service provider promised;
- There's too much downtime;
- The latency is too slow for your application;
- Your budget changed from being operations-centric to capital-centric;
- A security concern;
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Agile="many small “waterfalls"?
Agile? Awry?!
Agile = "many small “waterfalls"?
Check this article:
Here I quote,
"In one large tech company, their product team focused significant upfront time writing small requirements (called “user stories”).
These requirements were put into a ticket queue as tasks for the next available engineer to start working on. The bar for documentation to keep the queue moving became high. Ultimately, this process became one of many small “waterfalls,” where work is passed from a product department to designers to engineering.
This process is exactly what Agile was meant to eliminate. It is no wonder that the CTO of this company said, “my engineers feel like short order cooks in the back of a diner.”
Thursday, October 11, 2018
看病+處方簽拿藥 一步到位!
Saturday, October 06, 2018
這回、美國 與 中國大陸 !
或許、世界 與 中國大陸?
廿世紀初的 '八國聯軍'、
「合久必分、分久必合」似乎不適合/貼切 形容國際現況、
換個詞 看看:
Split()'ing dilemma :))
Which one would you do? (In Python, of course ...:))
(1) 'jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun'.split(',')
(2) str.split('jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun', ',')
Both work.
However, in terms of syntax bulkiness, readability, future extensible, etc.
Say you have a dictionary of "fixed strings"; such as month or US state initial names (AZ, CA, ...,TX, ...)
Would you go with option (2) or (1)??