Say, u need to know which switch and port ur connected to? 1) telnet [switch ip] 2) enable 3) show mac-address-table address [mac.addr] 4) show cdp neighbor Gi0/1 detail [if needed]
Output (similar to the following) Device ID: rssv125-sw4 Entry address(es): IP address: Platform: cisco WS-C3550-24-PWR, Capabilities: Switch IGMP Interface: GigabitEthernet0/1, Port ID (outgoing port): GigabitEthernet0/1 [snip]
"「勿忘我」,是一種花的名字,無論男人還是女人,都格外的喜歡, 只因為,這花的名字好溫馨。「不要忘記我!」是一種發自心底的渴求,無論男人還是女人,都特別的在意,只因為,有人紀念的感覺很溫馨。" and ... 神紀念挪亞!
[NOTE: Does your company appreciate the work you put in, say 1 year ago? or 10~15 years ago? Cost-cutting is everywhere... and to top it all, outsourcing or offshoring or whatever the name is, people are measured (as part of the cost and metrics - hmmm in Rotuer's world :) ) in terms of $$$$/cost.]
PS: Metric: default=> delay and bandwidth for IGRP [options to include, 1) MTU, 2) Reliability, and 3) Loading]
And on the subject of Exercise, Golf is a great option: 除了可能會曬太陽,有害美白外(huh?), 高爾夫實在是不錯的運動,扭腰打球,算是有點累又不會太累, 還可以減肥的戶外活動。加上球場的草地綠油油, 空氣新鮮,上場打球... 汗水淋漓的感覺很舒服。
Access-enable - creates a temporary access-list entry Access-template - creates a temporary access-list entry Access-profile - apply user profile to interface
Access-list 1 permit - same as next line Access-list 1 permit any - permits any host Access-list 1 permit - same as next line Access-list 1 permit host - permits host No access list 1 - deletes access list 1 Ip access-group 1 out (out is default) Access-list 101 deny tcp any eq telnet Access-list 101 permit ip any any established (TCP connection) Router(Config)#ip access-list standard nik Router(Config std-nacl)#deny any log (log - logs packets)
No ip access-group in - won't delete inbound lists if you leave the in off the end of the command
Originally Posted by WNxAnger At request I have made a Ventrilo channel for you all. Here is the infomation. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Enjoy all!