Article: China telent shortage
Here I refer, (McKinsey Q)
China's looming talent shortage If China's economy is to go on growing and its base is to evolve from manufacturing to services, it will require a huge number of qualified university graduates.
While university graduates are plentiful there, new MGI research shows that only a small proportion of them have the skills required for jobs further up the value chain—and competition for these graduates is becoming fierce.
China must undertake a long-term effort to raise the quality of its graduates by changing the way it finances its universities, revamping curriculums to meet the needs of industry, and improving the quality of English-language instruction.
China could emerge as a base for IT and business process offshoring, but unless the country addresses its looming labor shortage now the global ambitions of Chinese companies will probably be stymied.
Read On... [URL:] - Registration required?
More vegi - less meat
It seems to me that people these days dine out more and more...
More meat and less vegi can eventually bring heart health problem;
Recalling the Vioxx (drug from Merck) lawsuits - Merck facing an avalanche of lawsuits since it pulled Vioxx off the market in September 2004.
"現代人的飲食型態日漸精緻化,對於肉類及脂肪的攝取也大幅增加,相對地,膳食纖維(dietary fiber)的攝取量呈現下降的趨勢。過多的肉類與動物性脂肪,不僅增加腎臟的負擔,同時也導致血脂肪過高,增加罹患慢性疾病的機率,而且一個健康的成年人每天都應該攝取適量膳食纖維(dietary fiber),不過因為現在家庭大多是雙薪家庭,外食人口比例很高,也造成不良的外食習慣和為了求方便而打亂正常營養攝取的健康生活型態,當然也讓腸胃病變成每個人都得過的「老毛病」。其實如果我們可以在生活中多攝取含豐富膳食纖維(dietary fiber)的食物,例如:蔬菜、水果、榖類和豆類,不但可以預防心血管疾病及大腸癌等慢性病的發生,還能增加腸胃的吸收能力,提高自己對外在病菌的抵抗力呢! "
URL: another link, your fiber intake!
WiFly - cutting the wire

During the stay in Taipei, I happened to witness the WiFly launch day at Taipei city.
According to this report (URL: ), the global Wi-Fi Hotspot count tops 100,000!! So ... does it mean traditional telecom companies or vendors are in jeopardy? Maybe, maybe not. It's a jungle out-there inregardless which industry you are in. One needs to stay competitive - everytime, everywhere.
Start using SkyPe [ ] in at WiMax summit 06 at Paris, France,
Candy World - kids' favorite place at mall
Ran into a website ([pop-up], which talks about the sugar consumption in this country... quite alarming!
Here I quotes,
A spoonful of sugar adviceWe're born with a sweet tooth, but many experts say we now pack in an alarming amount of sugar -- an average 320 calories a day, or 16% of total calories. Want to adjust your intake? Here are the pros and cons of various sweeteners.
White sugar (sucrose). Empty calories with virtually no nutrients. Spikes blood sugar but doesn't cause diabetes, and diabetics can safely eat moderate amounts. 1 tsp. = 16 calories.
Brown sugar. A smidgen of nutrients. Otherwise, it has the same bodily effects as white sugar. 1 tsp., unpacked = 11 calories.
Honey. Surprising new research finds antioxidants and penicillin antibiotics in honey, giving it a health edge over plain sugar. In one study, honey even improved cholesterol. 1 tsp. = 21 calories.
Molasses. More nutrients than other syrups: 1 tsp. blackstrap molasses has 164 milligrams of potassium (as much as one-third of a banana), 14mg magnesium, 57mg calcium and 16 calories.
High-fructose corn syrup. Added to soft drinks, it is linked to obesity, especially in kids, and to diabetes, say new studies. Children's consumption of soft drinks is up nearly 500% since the 1950s. And kids are fatter than ever.
No-cal substitutesAspartame (Equal, NutraSweet, NutraTaste). Used in diet sodas, bottled teas, yogurt, ice cream and cookies, and as a table sweetener. Can give some people headaches.
Sucralose (Splenda). Excellent for cooking and baking. Appears safe, according to animal tests and experts.
Stevia (a shrub extract). Long used in Japan, it is prohibited here as a food ingredient because of insufficient testing. It's sold as a dietary supplement.
Saccharin (Sweet'N Low). A table sweetener, also in a few diet colas. Despite government approval, some experts say it's a potential carcinogen.
Scientific sources for this itemJean Carper is a nutrition authority. Sign up for a free e-mail newsletter at " (End of Quote)
Check it out for yourself!

the Candy World!! (sugar up & 採購一袋回家 ? :) )

And ... more info on
Splenda.=> those of you who has "chinese stomach", 豆花 is better than coffee - 可添加紅豆、珍珠或花生等配料!
Trip to SF - Fisherman's wharf, Jan/2005

Trying to catch up with last year's trip(s)!
A snapshot around pier 39, fisherman's wharf/SanFran - artist's painting by the street.

In the background is the famous pier 39 restaurant street. (below pic)
If you're the first-timer, check out this
To-Do list at virtualtourist.Though, I did not see any Sea Lions, probably becasue of being winter time - it was Jan.2005.

==> Take a pose at the pier 39!

It's a must-see Pier 39 market! For dinner, I checked out the Bubba Gump seafood dish - quite a lineup for the menu (URL: ); Even the appetizer is good ...
***Pier 39 market shot

BOOK: the 5 Love Languages
Good book:
as it's stated in the author's website, ( )
"Whether you’re a spouse, a parent, or a single, the five love languages are the same:
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Receiving Gifts (e.g., flower, jewel?, note of affection, etc.)
3. Quality Time (e.g., getting tougher these days, it seems that everyone is busy!)
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch (e.g., a hug, a kiss, etc.)
If you're married, it's *VERY* important to know especially what the love language of your spouse is.
Enjoying Taipei Subway system - smooth ride, well-thought design

Had to admit that riding the Taipei subway system is a pleasant experience...
Check out the map - each subway route is marked with a color, which makes it easy for pop-public to easily distinguish where to connect the route, how far the destination you're heading, etc.
In addition, I think the ticket fare is OK; Regular NT$20 per ticket per person. One can purchase a whole-day pass which is perfect for first-time tourist who is adventurous-minded, and ready to explore the city!
For those 9-
to-5'ers, getting to the 辦公室 becomes much more easier, I suppose.
Anyhoo... the ride is pleasant. (take a quick shot in front of the subway train station)
The good stuff is the subway halls that are packed with bunch of stores for shoppers (to spend money $$$) - you'll see bakery store, gift store, coffee place, etc.
Here you go...
<==Gift shop,
and yeh, StarBucks/ 星巴克 coffee shop as well. :)
Had to admit that 我很喜歡喝咖啡;喜歡咖啡的香味、 plus 因為喝咖啡而和朋友們相聚。 On a 2nd thought, perhaps I need to 戒咖啡 ? Oh let me try that 焦糖瑪琪朵喔 !
Article on "Getting Bigger" - in 21st century
Came across an article on "Getting bigger" subject: (ref: - registration required)
"Getting bigger
The world's largest companies are more successful than ever, but scale brings its own challenges." by Lowell L. Bryan
Here is some excerpts:
"Big companies must also learn to respond more quickly to the intensified
competition and inherent uncertainty of today's global economy. No matter how good their current capabilities, they can't do so alone. According to "From push to pull: The next frontier of innovation," by John Seely Brown and John Hagel III, companies should collaborate, through a broad range of global process and innovation networks, to mobilize the tangible and intangible resources of other companies. In this respect, emerging "pull" approaches to leveraging these resources are proving essential."
Well said!
Recalling some statement from 管理大師杜拉克說:“當前社會不是一場技術、也不是一場軟件、速度的革命,而是一場
Movie: End of the Spear
Breaking news!
At least, that's what I've been getting e-mails from friends and family... on the upcoming movie:
End Of Spear!
It will be launched January 20.
In case any of you haven't heard, it is the story of 5 missionaries (Jim Elliot & Nate Saint included) that were massacred by a violent tribe in the Amazon Basin of Ecuador.
Here is the official link, website of the movie =>
http://www.endofthespear.comIn DFW area, right now the closest place it is showing is the Loews Keystone at Central & Midpark. It will also be showing at Cityplace or Rockwall.
Check it out if you can.
Here's an mp3 interview with Steve Saint. His dad was one of the missionaries that was speared. He later developed a close personal relationship with the Waodani that killed his father. Amazing story....Steve is very much involved in the film project, and serves as its off screen narrator. URL:
Trip to taiwan - visiting mission field - part 01

Here we go... to the mission fields of Grass Root Mission in Taiwan;
It's been an eye-opening experience for me.
This is the SUV/vehicle to go places, from village to village, town to town, neighbour to neighbour, etc; and the drive is pastor Chen, shih-ting.
Pastor Chen, Shih-ting (translation) is the Chairman of the GRMT. ( 台灣基層福音差傳會 - 簡稱為「基層福音」或「基福」.
Personally, this is my first trip to the mission field in Taiwan's remote sites. Here are a list of the 拓荒區 (mission fields) 壯圍 · 寶山 · 頭屋 ·造橋 · 大西 · 大安·
During this trip, I get to know some wonderful brothers and sisters who are committed to bringing the gospel to their home town, Taiwan. A retired couple, Dr. Lin, hua-shen ( 林醫師及師母), is such an encouraging example that inspire my heart. Below is a link that features Dr. Lin's testimony:
URL: [new window] (Dr. 林華山‧劉碧珠夫婦)
Here I quote from the above link,
" 「台灣不比蒙市遠」,更何況那裏有骨肉之親、兒時之友還不認識主。同時發現加州有一大群的早期的小留學生,稱他們是CBC,和美國土生的ABC這一代青年,由於父母是第一代移民,所以對台灣都不陌生,更因為台灣盛行學英語,是巧合?是神開門?我們開始帶隊回去,利用教英語的機會關心台灣鄉村福音的需要。 "
and ...
" 「…我若忘記你,情願我的右手忘記技巧…」,我們雖不曾獻年青的力量,但老兵不死,靠著那加給我力量的神,願攜手跑盡這最後的一段路程。"

Here is the picture of Dr. Lin couple, Rev. Chen and local helpers.
1) Dr. Lin 林華山 is standing next to me (right-hand).
2) Mrs. Lin sits in the front row (in light color coat).
3) Rev. Chen is standing at ly left-hand side.
As we drove into the town (e.g., 造橋 · 大西 ), the first thing you ran into is the traditional temple, which shows the stronghold for spiritual battle in the region. It reminds me of the verses, recorded in the Psalm 115:4-7,
However, the battle is so vivid here - that I pray
For a snapshot of the local temple, (see below) it apparently is a local tradition to build one at each major entrance leading into the town as a symbol of protection and/or blessing to the local folks. We see it as an idol worship - for them, it is indeed a peace of mind.

<=== Tu-Di-Gon temple -土地公/ 福德正神 (similar to taipei's 龍山寺 )
The opposition at these towns and villages are so great - sometimes I wonder... 既然這麼辛苦,為何還要繼續作? (I asked local pastor/br others and sisters)
Answer is simple - to win more souls for the Christ!
As Paul put it,
1) " 向軟弱的人、我就作軟弱的人、為要得軟弱的人.向甚麼樣的人、我就作甚麼樣的人.無論如何、總要救些人。 " (1 Corin. / 哥林多前書 9:21)
2) " 我傳福音原沒有可誇的.因為我是不得已的.若不傳福音、我便有禍了。 "
And... according to some survey in China: (I'd suspect the same thing in Taiwan's city/town)
[To Be Continued]
Our Disney World trip 2004

It's new year - 2006 - again!
Remembering our trip to Disney World in 2004 new year timeframe.
Stopping by Pensacola for a quick break... oh yeh, you can see the beach there. So everyone... smile. After all, it's the sunshine state - Florida, we're heading.
While we were there, take time out to feed the birds... :)

I meant to say the seagull... they are all over the pier, searching for food (from tourists, of course).
I think... 也是幸福 !!
Sasa's waving her hands while seagulls are fighting for the food on the ground.
This starts our 迪士尼10天 tour.
Before going into the details of the trip (pensacola, st. augustine, orlando, etc.),
here is a quick new-book commercial :)
Book: "罵孩子要有技巧"
作者:碧愛緹絲•帕特 Beatrix Palt
叢書系列: 奧林[ 親子‧生活‧教養 ]
127 頁/ 平裝 / 15cmx21cm
出版日期:2005 年 08 月 05 日
定價:180 元 /優惠價:162 元
[Stay tuned]
Post office rate increases effective Jan. 8
Man... not again.
Some additional change will be needed next Monday if you plan on mailing off a letter.
Atmore Post Office employees are quickly making the transition over to 39-cent stamps,
which will be required on all first-class packages beginning Jan. 8.
"We just need to make sure that when customers deposit their mail that they have the extra two cents on their envelopes," Atmore postmaster Lester Cogollow said. "Our vending machines are operational and now have 39-cent stamps and some 37-cent stamps, which will be removed prior to Monday."
Check tip to save postage: I'll have Rover, my dog, to carry the mail for me... :-)
Trip to taiwan - college pals reUnion...

Met with my college pals - Hung-jen and Lao Sun (well... actually it should read KWSUN :))
It's been .... at least 20 years since we departed from the day of graduation.
... And everyone looks GREAT! (may I add?)
Couple of hours of sit-n-sip coffee time would bring us back to the days of "young-N-foolish" in Tansui. ( 淡水 )
To you - my wild friends - Hung.Jen and Ken.Wen!! (work hard, man! Taiwan need you!)
[By the way, both are 個性開朗又幽默 ]
NOTE: 入境隨俗嘛 ! (that's why I had to say these words just to pep-up the mood)
I need to do more home work to handle these 玩拼貼遊戲 ... for more photo/pictures.
By the way, the restaurant (Green Breeze) does provide some good viewing scene, quite relaxing though. THANKS to you'all!!

NOTE: It's a bit tough to find StarBucks store around here.
By 威廉哈維( William Harvey, 1578-1657 )
My return trip back home/USA requires connecting flight in Japan ... waiting for 3 hours; The food price at the airport is *highway robbery*ly HIGH! Roughly, it takes US$2.00 to buy a bottle of drinking water! To drink or not to drink is a question :)

Connecting flight in Japan 
Trip to taiwan - TV program

Strangely enough... I did not get to watch the korean TV soap program.
可是我也不看韓劇,所以實在無所適從 !!
Get to spend time with the family... Mom and son...
The place is called "Da-Chiang-Wu"... direct translation = Big.River.House. :))
Not a bad place to sit-n-sip a cup of tea... matter of fact, I think that's what it meant to be.
One thing I noticed though is that ... there seems to be a 7-Eleven (便利超商) store at every corner of the street. Notice that the clerks who work there are mainly late teens
or 20'ish young folks, 在便利超商打工,用微薄的薪水支付自己生活的基本開銷,I suppose.
Life can be tough in Taiwan if you work at 便利超商.
Trip to taiwan - more YuanNan food
More YuanNan dishes for your viewing pleasure.
The restaurant is a 一家不起眼,賣雲南料理的餐廳 ; However, the food is gooood.
Not sure how they are compared with 一碗大號的牛肉乾麵?

Also try the dish - 【雲拌椒麻雞】外皮香脆酥爽,肉質多汁甜美。 and 雲南大薄片。
To be continued ...
Trip to taiwan

Trip back to taiwan - 12/12/2005 to 1/1/2006.
Try one of the famous yuan-nan food - the famous the over-bridge of the Rices noodles.
And... food/noodle was goooood!
It came with separate dishes and you need to mix them up - sort of like DIY noodle.
Check out the noodle bowl. (
这桥 )
I suppose it's perfectly for the winter time meal.

In China, the noodles are poured from one bowl of boiling hot broth to another which is seen like a crossing a bridge! Hence the name of the dish.
Went out and did a google search, and found the following,
简要地变白菠菜在开水里 , 排泄, 和留出。
混合米酒, 姜, 盐, 和酱油入卤汁。切下鸡, 鱼 , 和大虾paper-thin 。
传播在服务盛肉盘和加这个卤汁。让立场。 供热一个罐水对煮沸和加面条。带来回到煮沸和烹调揭露直到他们 是软, 大约4 分钟为干面条和2 分钟为新鲜那些。排泄在colander 和铺砌这棵菜在上面。带来鸡汤到沸腾在平底深锅和增加一些盐和 鸡油脂。带来对快速煮沸为1 分钟。调动tureen 和带来对桌与肉盛 肉盘和面条colander 。倾吐肉和面条入煮沸的热汤。他们立即将烹 调。搅动和服务在各自的碗里。